Sunday, July 10, 2005

Would you survive the fall from a fifth story window?

Wolfie did.

One minute he was fast asleep, right next to a fast-asleep me. Next second I hear him busting through my window's screen... I jolted awake to the most awful split-second realization and intense shock. He jumped out the window of my 5th floor room. Panic set in, then hysteria... then we realized he was moving. He crawled under a table in the 'back yard' (cement) area of the basement apartment. Michele and Stan helped get me and Wolfie into a cab somehow in the blur of moments that followed.

Why???? After 2 years of no such incidents, nothing even close, why? Theories: 1. Bird 2. Kitty nightmare 3. ... Ok that's all I've got. I will never know why. Vets call it high-rise syndrome. While we do have screens in all our windows, they should be double or reinforced. Take a minute to make sure your pet is not at risk, as even shorter falls can be detrimental.

A very, very scary 30 minutes later Michele and I arrived with a breathing and awake but very still Wolfie at the nonprofit ER for pets and waited while the very kind vets examined him. We were relieved to find that most serious injury had been avoided, but it is still to be determined whether he suffered any trauma to his head and if he will require an amputation of his left front leg. Still, I am grateful. A three-legged kitty is better than none.

To all pet owners, I'd highly recommend pet insurance, which was well worth for my brief stint as a dog owner. Regrettably, I never considered Wolfie at-risk and therefore did not insure him. My emergency veterinary costs will exceed $1,600, of which my Mom & Dad have already covered half. If anyone is so moved, you may donate to the Wolfie Fund by creating a PayPal account and sending a credit, debit or bank account contribution using my email address. Any amount is helpful and will be met by my (and Wolfie's) heartfelt thanks.

Thanks to all my friends and family for their support. I know animals aren't people, but dammit don't they seem like it most of the time?? If only they could talk...

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