Tuesday, July 12, 2005

visions of recovery

Wolfie News Flash: Wolfie has a fractured scapula and several broken toes. He will have a splint for his foot and the shoulder should heal on its own after 6-8 weeks of "strict cage rest."

Amy: I have this image of Wolfie in a hospital bed, with a view of the convalescent garden out of his (ground floor) window. He has IV's in his good arm and he's reading People Magazine. He's wearing a white sheet only...no gown. Oooh, he's so naughty. There are cards taped to the wall by the window and someone (Aunt Michele) sent him a mum with a pipe cleaner smiley face. He keeps pinching the nurses's fannies.

Leigh: Wolfie will be like the weathered motorcycle dude in the bar, "Yeah, I got this limp when I bought it on Mullholland riding with Hopper and Fonda. We were tripped out on peyote and I saw this woman in a white dress beckoning me to follow her. But it was really a lamppost."


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