Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pimp My Ride, but for hicks

...and I use the term hick affectionately.

Could CMT's big rig mechanics, the "Chrome Shop Mafia," be the new Fab 5? I'll be tuned in to find out.

Maybe I've just o.d.'d on cool and need a fix of airbrush sunsets and "semper fi" bumper stickers. Maybe it's just nostalgia for long cross country drives and truck stops. I remember seeing the truckers camped out in their cabs as my family's station wagon pulled back onto the highway, our bellies full of biscuits and whatever fried green thing that passed as a vegetable. I always wanted a see inside these miniature mobile homes that people rolled down highways - criss crossing our country with food and cars and everything under the sun. Now's my chance.


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