Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Plenty of fiber, protein, energy and don't forget flavor. Meet the newest member of my power breakfast line up: Bob's Red Mill 7 Grain Cereal.

I'm always in search of the perfect one-stop breakfast, yummy, satisfying, healthy and quick. Oatmeal wasn't cutting it for me, bran-muffins from the deli are light-weights. I was starving by 11:30 AM! So I ventured into the realm of hard red wheat, rye, triticale, barley and flaxseed. I thought I would feel like I was munching animal feed, but it was not the case! I was out of milk this morning so I just added a dash of maple syrup and enjoyed the nutty, wheaty porridge. It could use some fruit, and you might find yourself in want of a toothpick after, but it's 1:30 and I'm just now thinking lunch might be in order. I'm also going to give my cereal double-duty soon with Bob's Peanut Butter Oat Grain Cookies.


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