Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tuesday Morning, filled with rage

"Dood" Ron Regé, jr, Print # 35 of 50, 6" x 4.2". From Tiny Showcase.

5 AM - Paul wakes late for his flight to Vegas. I know if I fall asleep again I'll end up twice as groggy so I make my way into consciousness.

6:30 AM - Leaving Paul's much too early for my taste, the black, rain-slick streets, freezing rain and umbrella-eating wind. I finally give up on using an umbrella and hunker down into my coat. I pass other black bundles on the sidewalks, we remind me of huge urban penguins. I am very deeply annoyed at having to deal with anything but warmth and comfort at this time of the morning, or at all. I calculate my train route to maximize time under ground versus time above and slip into the belly of the subway.

8:20 AM - Too early for work, I nurse a latte at Starbucks and derive evil enjoyment from the fact that I am now watching the Umbrella Wars instead of battling them. I hate wind. I hate flimsy umbrellas. I hate people who don't notice they just put your eye out with their ginormous pointy large-enough-for-3-people umbrella.

9:15 AM - At last, my desk, warm, safe, benign. I vow not to leave until I absolutely must. To soothe the frustration, I become an art collector.


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